24 April 2020

Sumy State University Library has access to the McGraw Hill Access Medicine resource from the United States.
Access Medicine is a unique information resource that provides authoritative and up-to-date medical information for scientists, students and practitioners.

The Access Medicine Collection contains:

  • more than 130 of McGraw Hill's most famous textbooks
  • 50 000 images
  • 1 000 videos
  • more than 11,000 exam preparation materials
  • more than 900 real cases from clinical practice
  • information on diagnostic tools and current treatments.

Access Medicine пропонує інструменти для дистанційного навчання:


Access Medicine offers REVIEW and FLASHCARDSwhich allow teachers to monitor students' knowledge and allow students to improve and test their knowledge independently.

To get the most out of the Access Medicine resource, it is recommended that you create your own MyAccess account at Sumy State University.

In addition, Access Medicine provides free access to COVID-19 Central. The resource contains up-to-date information on the coronavirus pandemic and analytical material from top authors and experts.

Accessory training materials on using Access Medicine: 

  1. Using Access to Support Distance Learning
  2. Guide to Online Resources via AccessMedicine
  3. Video overview of resources 
  4. Video overview of the functionality
  5. Distance learning LibGuide


Access conditions: University local network or remotely.

For remote access, please contact me personally by  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. або This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Sumy State University Library
116, Kharkivska st.
40007 Sumy, Ukraine

  +38 (0542) 68-79-29

When using materials from the site of the Library of the SumDU, the reference to the resource is necessarily!