For the implementation of projects "Reading changes us and everything around us" and "Green Library," Library of SumDU won the nomination "Great Library" at the contest "Library of the Year 2019" which was held by Ukrainian Library Association.
Within the project "Reading changes us and everything around us" meetings with artists, writers, poets, public figures are held continually. With help of of the Media Communication and advertising Center and Technology Center of eLearning the SumDU Library created the video "Kitchen of the Reading" and virtual quest "Dive into the world of books". Thanks to the support of the university administration, the library is constantly updating its collections with modern, popular, scientific, educational literature and fiction. The library staff actively teach academic writing and literacy the SumDU students.
The Green Library Project has been implemented by the SumDU Library with the support of the Goethe Institute (Germany) since September 2018. Its main purpose is to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 2030) and their implementation for the Sumy community through information consulting, training and the own example of responsible consumption, sorting and recycling.