20 November 2020

On November 16, 2020, Sumy State University gained access to the electronic library of Central and Eastern European CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library). Access will last until December 15.

CEEOL contains full-text articles, books, journals on political, social, economic, humanities, arts, geography, law.

  • 690,000 indexed full-text articles in 30 languages
  • more than 2000 magazines
  • 4500 e-books
  • 6000 materials of “gray literature”*

* Gray literature (gray literature) is usually material and research published outside the traditional channels of dissemination of scientific information.


Conditions of access to the resource: local network of the university.

For consultations, please contact e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Jivochat on the library's website.



Sumy State University Library
116, Kharkivska st.
40007 Sumy, Ukraine

  +38 (0542) 68-79-29

When using materials from the site of the Library of the SumDU, the reference to the resource is necessarily!