Google Account. Log in to your Google Account to create a profile. It is recommended that you use a personal account, not a corporate one.
My Profile. Follow the link in Google Scholar, select the My Profile section and fill out the registration form in Cyrillic and Latin to improve your profile visibility.
Name. It is recommended to use the following format of writing the name and surname:
Ivan P. Ivanov
Google Scholar defines the last word in a noun construction as the last name (Last Name), and the first and second - as names (First Name and Second Name). Add a maiden name if it has been used in publications.
Place of Work. It is necessary to indicate the official name of the university:
Sumy State University
Email Confirmation. Enter the e-mail address in the domain of SumDU, so that your profile appears in the search results in "Google Scholar" and is "linked" to Sumy State University. The specified mailbox will receive a message to confirm your email address.
Areas of Interest. Add keywords that relate to the direction of your research.
Home Page. Provide the website address of the university or department with personal information about you as a teacher and researcher.